Ride Safe Indiana
- Are accommodations made for active U.S. military personnel who complete a safety course in another state?
- Can I receive a waiver of the riding skills and knowledge exam if I complete a safety course in another state?
- Will I get a motorcycle endorsement after the course?
- What if I don't pass the knowledge exam or the riding skills evaluations at the end of the course?
- Do I need to get a motorcycle learner’s permit before I take the course?
- If I’m under 18 years old, can I enroll in the course?
Correction, Department of
- Are victims notified when an offender is released to CTP?
- Are victims notified when an offender becomes eligible for CTP?
- What happens when an offender completes CTP?
- What happens for class FA, FB, F1-F4 felony offenders after being reviewed by the sentencing court?
- What happens for class FC, FD, F5, and F6 felony offenders after being reviewed by the sentencing court?
- As a Community Corrections employee, a Project Income expense was not budgeted in our current grant, can I still use Project Income to pay the expense?
Criminal Justice Institute
Excise Police, Indiana State
- Do I need any type of permit to dispense alcoholic beverages at my one time event?
- What happens if I sell tobacco without first obtaining a tobacco certificate for my store?
- What happens if I am found to have sold tobacco to a juvenile
- What are the legal hours for dispensing alcoholic beverages?
- How old do I have to be to dispense alcoholic beverages?
- How do I file a complaint against a business for illegally selling alcoholic beverages or tobacco?
Homeland Security, Department of
- Does State Disaster Relief Fund assistance need to be repaid?
- Where do I report agricultural damages as a result of a disaster?
- What do I do if I have a new proctor for a retest?
- How do I order a course?
- What are the potential consequences of cheating on a test?
- How do I get a training flyer posted on the IDHS website?
Indiana Guard Reserve
- What are the benefits of being an IGR Service Member?
- What are the requirements to be a member of the IGR?
- What is a typical IGR drill day like?
- What uniform will I wear in the IGR?
- How often do IGR Service Members participate in drill?
- When is Annual Training, where is it held, and how long is it?
Indiana Transparency Portal
- What is the Indiana Transparency Portal (ITP)?
- Who manages the ITP (Indiana Transparency Portal)?
- Do you have a data dictionary?
- What internet browsers are supported by ITP (Indiana Transparency Portal)?
- What is a fiscal year?
- What Fiscal Year data is available on the portal?
Law Enforcement Academy, Indiana
- How can I attend the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy's Basic Course?
- What are the ILEA' physical fitness training requirements?
- What is the ILEA's Qualification Handgun Course?
- Can I get a waiver from the ILEA's basic training if I graduated from a reserve academy?
- Do I have to attend the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy if I graduated from an Academy in another state?
- What is the ILEA's Qualification Course for Patrol Rifle Instructors?
Motor Vehicles, Bureau of
- When can I start driving in the car with my parents?
- Is driver education required to get a license?
- If my child completes an online driver education class, and then completes the 50 hours of driving to be documented on the driving log, can they get a license at 16 years and 90 days?
- Will I have to pay extra if I don’t renew my plates on time?
- How do I schedule my CDL Skills exam?
- How can I submit my MER and MEC to the BMV?
National Guard, Indiana
Office of State-Based Initiatives
- What is the Office of State-Based Initiatives?
- How much does Indiana receive in federal funding annually?
- Does the Office of State-Based Initiatives publish its findings?
- Where can I find a list of proposed federal regulations?
- What is the Office of Management and Budget?
- How can I contact OSBI?
Police, Indiana State
- Which states honor my Indiana handgun license?
- Does Indiana law require me to carry my handgun on my person in a concealed or exposed manner?
- Are there places where it is illegal to carry a handgun even though I have a valid handgun license?
- Do I need a license to take my handgun to target practice?
- Does Indiana honor handgun licenses from other states?
- Why do I have to pay the fee before I can submit my application?
Transportation, Department of
- Where do I go to report a concern?
- Where can I check current traffic conditions?
- What district am I in and how can I contact it?
- What are the requirements for state certification as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)?
- How can I apply for a job at INDOT?
- Where can I obtain current Indiana roadway or other maps?
Veterans' Affairs, Department of
- What do I need to do to add the veteran indicator on my license?
- What does it cost to live at IVH?
- Who is eligible for the Indiana Veterans' Home?
- Are there other veterans' homes in Indiana?
- Can I have my own room at IVH?
- What's the difference between IVH and the VA?