An official website of the Indiana State Government
Correction, Department of 105 Articles
Are victims notified when an offender is released to CTP?
Are victims notified when an offender becomes eligible for CTP?
What happens when an offender completes CTP?
What happens for class FA, FB, F1-F4 felony offenders after being reviewed by the sentencing court?
What happens for class FC, FD, F5, and F6 felony offenders after being reviewed by the sentencing court?
As a Community Corrections employee, a Project Income expense was not budgeted in our current grant, can I still use Project Income to pay the expense?
As a Community Corrections employee, can I use grant funds to pay for an item that was budgeted with other funds?
As a Community Corrections employee, do we have to track Fixed Assets after they are transferred or disposed of?
As a Community Corrections employee, can expenses related to the current grant funding be paid with the new grant funding if the claim is paid after December 31st.
As a Community Corrections employee, what do I do if all grant related expenses and/or deposits are not posted by the grant expiration date?
What is a Quietus?
As a Community Corrections employee, do we have to provide mileage logs for vehicles not paid for with grant funds?
As a United States military veteran, what are the benefits to working for the Indiana Department of Correction?
I was previously employed with the State of Indiana and/or Indiana Department of Correction. Am I eligible to return to employment?
Does the Indiana Department of Correction have a physical fitness test?
What are the hiring requirements for the Indiana Department of Correction?
What are some personality traits needed to be a Correctional Officer?
How would you describe the typical workday of a correctional officer?
I don’t have any experience in Corrections, can I be a Correctional Officer?
How much time Paid Time Off do I get working for the Indiana Department of Correction?
Does the IDOC house offenders with medical concerns?
What sets Plainfield Correctional Facility apart from other facilities?
What level is the Plainfield Correctional Facility?
What types of evaluations are done while at the Reception Diagnostic Center?
What happens to your loved one when they are being processed at the Reception Diagnostic Center?
How many offenders live at the Reception Diagnostic Center?
What happens during the intake process at RDC?
What level is the Reception Diagnostic Center and what makes it different?
How many staff are employed at Edinburgh Correctional Facility?
How does Edinburgh Correctional Facility save taxpayer dollars?