Natural Resources, Department of 81 Articles
- Can I carry a handgun while visiting an Indiana State Park?
- How much does it cost to visit an Indiana state park or reservoir?
- How do I reserve a campsite?
- What are the hunting season dates?
- How do I obtain a hunting, fishing or trapping license?
- Will drilling for oil and gas on my property pollute my water well?
- Who is responsible for cemeteries and their upkeep?
- Who do I contact to get information about a sick tree?
- Who can I contact about mud on the highway or material escaping trucks loaded with coal?
- Who can I contact about dust from a coal mine and other air quality issues?
- Which state parks and reservoirs allow horseback riding? Which have saddle barns where I can rent a horse and go for a ride?
- Where is coal mined in Indiana?
- Where can I ride my regular bicycle or my mountain bike?
- Where can I get more information about emerald ash borer (EAB)?
- Where can I find the latest on rule and regulation changes?
- Where can I find information on ground water quality?
- Where can I find information about oil and gas wells in Indiana?
- Where can I buy an annual pass to state parks and reservoirs?
- Where are the public fishing sites in Indiana?
- What training do Indiana Conservation Officer recruits undergo?
- What specialized training or teams involve Indiana Conservation Officers?
- What should I do if I find an injured or baby animal?
- What programs do Indiana Conservation Officers support?
- What native plants can I use for landscaping and where can I buy them?
- What kind of permit do I need to launch my boat at a state park, state reservoir or state forest and where can I purchase the permit
- What kind of life jackets do I have to have onboard my boat?
- What kind of coal is found in Indiana and what makes it important?
- What is the Lake Michigan Coastal Program?
- What is the Geographic Area of the Lake Michigan Coastal Program?
- What do I do if I suspect a timber theft has occurred?