Natural Resources, Department of 81 Articles
- What are the qualifications to become an Indiana Conservation Officer?
- What are the Duties of an Indiana Conservation Officer?
- What are the current restrictions on transporting firewood in Indiana due to the emerald ash borer
- Somebody wants me to sign an oil and gas lease. Should I sign one, and what do I need to know before I do?
- My house shakes each time the mine blasts. How can I be sure this is not damaging my home?
- Is there oil and gas on my property?
- Is there money to save my historic building or house?
- Is my property eligible for the National Register of Historic Places?
- Is my building or house historic?
- Is it legal to disturb the ground in a cemetery to find tombstones or human remains?
- Is gold panning allowed on Indiana state forests?
- If I see or know of looting of an archaeological site, whom should I contact?
- If I lease my property for oil and gas am I responsible for plugging the wells if they are abandoned on my property?
- If I have a question about a snake, bird, plant or other natural feature, who do I contact?
- I want to fish and hunt; look for mushrooms; camp; hike on a coal mine. Who do I need to contact?
- I want to do something to my historic home or structure. Do I need approval from the DHPA?
- I want a historic marker to commemorate an event
- I may know of an abandoned coal mine site that needs attention. Who can I call?
- I believe there may be an old abandoned oil well on my property. Who can help?
- How much coal is mined in Indiana and how is it used?
- How many species of trees are native to Indiana
- How is coal mined in Indiana?
- How do you eliminate a nuisance animal on your property?
- How do I request a permit to host a company picnic or other special event at a state park or reservoir?
- How do I request a Heritage Data review of my project for rare, threatened, and endangered species?
- How do I report a fish and wildlife violation?
- How do I replace my Hunter Education card?
- How do I register for a Hunter Education class?
- How do I get my building/house on historical listings?
- How do I get an Ecosystem of the Indiana Coastal Region poster?