Natural Resources, Department of 81 Articles
- How do I find out if I can bring firewood to a state park or reservoir property from where I live?
- How do I find out if a well on my property is being actively produced?
- How do I find out if a property is a state dedicated Nature Preserve?
- How do I apply for an Indiana Coastal Grant?
- How can private forestland owners get help with managing their woods?
- How can I participate in the review process on a new coal mine permit?
- How can I get trees to plant on my property?
- How can I get information for bidding on a restoration project?
- How can I find out what kinds of programs and events are happening at a state park or reservoir?
- How can I find out if there are old underground mines under my house?
- How can I find out if my favorite campground has open sites, or reserve a campsite, picnic shelter or inn room at an Indiana state park or reservoir?
- How can I find an arborist?
- Do you need a permit to operate an oil or gas well?
- Can someone drill a well on the property next to me and drain oil or gas from under my property without my consent?
- Can my construction in a floodway permit be renewed?
- Can I ride my ATV on public property?
- Can I ride my ATV on a public roadway?
- Can I cancel the oil and gas lease on my property?
- At what age may a person operate a motorboat?
- Are Indiana's forestlands disappearing?
- Are archaeological sites and human burial sites protected in Indiana?