Not everything that is old is historic, so how do we decide what is and what isn't? It really boils down evaluating what is important to our history and culture at a local, state, or national level. A resource that is important to your community can still be historic but might never appear on a list of nationally significant places.
Some resources are important because they are such wonderful examples of architecture or engineering. Others are important for their connection to past people or events. Age is a factor - most historic properties are over 50 years old.
In addition to having importance, historic resources also must have what preservationists call "historical." That is nothing more than the resource's ability to convey or "tell" its story. A locally important author's home that looks much as it did when he or she wrote can still give us a glimpse into their world.
An historic resource has something important to tell us about ourselves and our past plus enough qualities to tell that story well
Some resources are important because they are such wonderful examples of architecture or engineering. Others are important for their connection to past people or events. Age is a factor - most historic properties are over 50 years old.
In addition to having importance, historic resources also must have what preservationists call "historical." That is nothing more than the resource's ability to convey or "tell" its story. A locally important author's home that looks much as it did when he or she wrote can still give us a glimpse into their world.
An historic resource has something important to tell us about ourselves and our past plus enough qualities to tell that story well