If you find a baby animal apparently alone, ask yourself: Is the animal really orphaned?
Every spring, thousands of animals are born in the wild. With more and more suburban areas being developed, young animals are increasingly born near humans and discovered without an adult animal nearby. Well-meaning people can upset the course of nature by taking young animals from their nests. Removing wildlife from its environment is prohibited by state regulations without proper handling permits. The apparent lack of an adult does not necessarily mean a young animal is alone. Adults often leave their young alone—safe in nests or dens—while they forage for food, but rarely do they abandon their young.
If a bird has fallen out of a nest, it is OK to gently return it to the nest. The best way to make sure an animal is truly orphaned is to wait and check it periodically. If you are unsure, place some strings or sticks across the nest. If such items are later disturbed, the mother has returned. In such a situation, leave the young animal alone. The adult will return after you leave the area. If the nest is not disturbed or if, after monitoring the young for several hours, you see that an adult does not return, please contact a licensed rehabilitator. The DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife maintains a list of wildlife rehabilitators who have state or federal permits to care for wild animals. If you find an injured animal, contact a wildlife rehabilitator (on.IN.gov/wildliferehab). The DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife does not treat injured animals or transport them to rehabilitators.