Teachers' Retirement Fund 22 Articles
- What if I don't know my user ID and passcode to log on to my PERF or TRF account?
- How do I find the Pension Identification (PID) number for my PERF or TRF retirement account?
- How will I get my monthly pension benefit?
- Will using an outside annuity provider affect current or future retirees' pension benefits?
- When will the change to MetLife as the annuity provider for INPRS become effective?
- When should I start thinking about planning for retirement?
- What is the difference between a defined benefit (pension) and defined contribution?
- What is Hero's Honor?
- What happens if the date my pension is normally deposited is on the weekend or a holiday?
- What do we know about MetLife?
- What company will provide future member annuities for INPRS?
- If my last day of work is January 1, when is my retirement date?
- I'm retiring from my PERF-covered position at the end of the month. My employer has agreed to re-hire me in the same job after 30 days. Is this legal?
- I'm changing banks. How do I get the direct deposit for my pension benefit changed to my new bank?
- I was in the military. How can I add this service to my account?
- I was a substitute teacher. How can I add this service to my account?
- I am retired and left my annuity savings account with the Indiana Public Retirement System at the time I retired. Do I have to take a distribution of my account once I reach age 70 ?
- I am a member of TRF. My PERF service is not showing on my quarterly statement. What happened to this service?
- How much does service credit cost?
- How many years of creditable service must I have in order for my spouse or child to receive a survivor benefit from PERF?
- How is the change to MetLife as annuity provider for INPRS beneficial?
- How did the change to MetLife as annuity provider come about?