Indiana motorists involved in accidents or who have received citations for traffic offenses may be required to submit one or more of the following forms to the BMV. Each form lists the address to which it should be addressed.
SR16 - A form used by courts to notify the BMV that a driver has been convicted of, failed to appear for, or failed to pay a citation for violating a motor vehicle law. This form also notifies the BMV if any of the above orders have been rescinded.
Certificate of Compliance (COC) – The COC form used to verify financial responsibility for a specific accident or citation dated in the past and for a specific vehicle (year and make).
SR22 must remain on file with the BMV for the duration of the required period.
SR26 - The SR26 form is used by insurance companies to notify the BMV that a policy reported on an SR22 form has been canceled. The SR26 form carries the cancellation date.
SR33 - The SR33 form is used by a court to notify the BMV of the amount of a financial judgment against the owner or operator of a motor vehicle.
SR50 - The SR50 form is used by a motorist to provide proof of current insurance to the BMV. The form shows the BMV the beginning and ending dates of the current policy.
For more information, please visit the Suspension & Reinstatement section of ( or e-mail the BMV at