Services available under the Family Caregiver Program include:
- Individual counseling/training/support groups: Services or activities that assist the caregiver in the areas of health, nutrition, financial literacy, decision-making and problem solving. These can include counseling provided by a licensed professional or support groups that allow caregivers to discuss their attitudes, feelings and problems with other individual(s) to achieve greater understanding of their situation, role and problems that arise with caregiving. It can also include training and education for the caregiver to assist them in acquiring knowledge and skills that allow them to provide better care.
- Respite: Providing the caregivers temporary, short-term breaks from their caregiving responsibilities.
- Supplemental services: Home- and community-based services provided, on a limited basis, to complement the care provided by caregivers can include home modifications, assistive technologies, emergency response systems and incontinence supplies.
- Access assistance: One-on-one contacts to provide outreach and information to caregivers on available long-term services and supports can include case management services.
- Information services: Generally consisting of trainings for groups of caregivers and presentations on long-term services and supports.