In general, IDHS EMS staff go through the following process to issue a reciprocity certificate once an application is received:
(1) Verify application is complete and all additional paperwork or information is valid.
(2) Verify that the state certification (or National Registry certification) is valid.
(3) Assign applicant to a R(current year) general class (must be completed by the applicant to receive certification).
(4) IDHS EMS staff will email the applicant with next steps to take in the application process. An applicant must complete the next steps listed in the email on his or her own.
(5) Once IDHS receives proof the applicant has completed the next steps, a certification for the applicant will be posted in Acadis.
(6) IDHS EMS staff will send the applicant a paper copy of the initial certificate via U.S. Postal Service.
Note: Check your junk or spam inbox for the “next step” email or your certification before contacting IDHS EMS.