Indiana Attorney General
* Investigates appraisers, real estate brokers, and real estate agents. Has jurisdiction over the Deceptive Practices Act. Investigates mortgage fraud. Telephone number is (800) 382-5516.
Indiana Department of Financial Institutions
* Licenses and regulates state chartered financial institutions including second lien lenders and payday lenders. Telephone number is (317) 232-3955.
Indiana Professional Licensing Agency
* Licenses real estate brokers, real estate agents, and appraisers. Telephone number is (317) 232-2980.
Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Network
* Consumer helpline dedicated to helping Hoosiers resolve mortgage disputes. Telephone number is (877) GET-HOPE(toll free).
Federal Trade Commission
* Consumer helpline for identity theft, consumer credit, and privacy. Telephone number is (877) 382-4357