Revenue from casinos can be categorized into (1) admissions taxes and (2) wagering taxes.
Admissions taxes are distributed in the following manner:
1. Approximately two-thirds are distributed among local entities.
2. The remainder is distributed amongst state entities such as the Horse Racing Commission, State Fair Commission and the Division of Mental Health and Addiction.
After an appropriation to the Indiana Gaming commission to cover expenses related to the regulation of the gaming industry, wagering taxes are distributed in the following manner:
1. The first $33 million is set aside for revenue sharing for non-riverboat counties.
2. The next 25% is distributed amongst the counties and cities that have riverboats.
3. The remainder is transferred to the Property Tax Replacement Fund (PTRF). Pari-mutuel wagering tax revenue is used for the Indiana Horse Racing Commission. $150,000 is also transferred to the Purdue University Veterinary School Account. Pari-mutuel admissions tax is divided between the county or the city where the racetrack is located and the state general fund.
Additional information about gaming revenues can be found at