There are several ways to enroll in Medicare: Automatic Enrollment, Initial Enrollment, General Enrollment, and Special Enrollment.
Do you already receive Social Security benefits?
There are several ways to enroll in Medicare: Automatic Enrollment, Initial Enrollment, General Enrollment, and Special Enrollment.
Do you already receive Social Security benefits?
Automatic Enrollment
If you already receive Social Security benefits, you qualify for Automatic Enrollment. You will automatically receive a Medicare card approximately three months before your 65th birthday.
If you receive Social Security Disability benefits, you will automatically get a Medicare card after receiving these benefits for 24 months.
If you receive Social Security Widow/Widower benefits, you will automatically get a Medicare card after you receiving these benefits for 24 months, or when you turn 65, whichever comes first.
Are You Turning 65 Soon?
Initial Enrollment
If you enroll during the three months before your 65th birthday, then Medicare becomes effective on the first day of the month you turn 65.
If you enroll during the month of your 65th birthday, then Medicare becomes effective on the 1st day of the month after your birth month.
If you enroll during the three months after your 65th birthday, it will take up to 60 days for your Medicare coverage to start.