IC 22-15-2-6 provides that an inspector may enter and inspect any property, at a reasonable hour. It is possible that regulated equipment was accessible and inspected without your knowledge, and it is possible that the person allowing access for the inspection did not inform you of such an inspection. In any case, you may contact this office at (317) 232-1921 and we will assist you in understanding the conditions noted, or we will assist you in making contact with the inspector for clarification.
Note: You should read the order carefully and review copies of the inspection report(s) that accompany the order. If additional time is required for you to correct the conditions noted you may make such a request through the inspector. The inspector, in turn, will contact this office and advise such an extension has been granted. It must be understood that the request for extension is to accommodate the scheduling of a re-inspection to verify compliance. The inspector has no authority to grant the operation of regulated equipment while in non-compliance. If the inspector that originated the report placing the vessel in non-compliance cannot be reached, the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Section office may be contacted at 317.232.1921.