A parking placard or license plate with the international symbol of access is available for people who have lost the use of one or both legs, have a temporary or permanent disability that requires the use of a walker, wheelchair, braces or crutches, or are certified by a doctor to be impaired. There's no additional charge for license plates or up to 2 permanent placards. A temporary placard, which is effective for up to 6 months, costs $5. Pick up an application at your local license branch or you can print/download a copy of this and other helpful forms from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles web site at: https://www.in.gov/bmv/ under vehicle services. The Indiana code governing accessible placards and plates is IC 9-14-5-1. You can find a copy of the code through the IN.gov Web site by going to: www.in.gov/legislative/ic/code/