IDEM will accept written public comments for at least 33 days following the date of the applicant mailing to the notified parties. Because some applicants submit an incomplete application while they are still preparing the application in order to start the review process and public comment period, IDEM's practice is to accept comments for at least 33 days after receiving a substantially complete application so that the public has the opportunity to review all aspects of the application. Generally, IDEM does not reject public comments at any point in the process, and will consider any new information up to the point that the decision is issued.
During this period, any interested parties may submit written comments to:
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Confined Feeding Permits Section
100 N. Senate Avenue
IGCN 1101
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251
IDEM evaluates comments as they relate to the application's compliance with all applicable requirements. IDEM approves or denies the application based on fulfillment of the rule requirements. While environmental concerns may have an effect on an application, IDEM may not consider traffic, property values, or local zoning when considering an application.